It is known... TIME FLIES!
I always try to find ways to make every minute count. I used to say that I wish that there was more time in a day but soon found out that there is never enough time... so if I organise my time better I can truly "enjoy" each moment and stop trying to run after time and having to catch my breath all the time.
As manager or executives, we spend most of our time in communication mode. Statistics show that manager spend about 80% in communications to manage operations; it could be mgt meetings, conference calls, business breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The 20% left is left for the rest (managing employees, catching up with e-mails...).
What if I told you that very few managers conduct periodic meetings with their staff? Is it surprising you? How do they expect to meet objectives if they are not a key actor in the delivery process and if they have no clue on how their team is managing the delivery? We can't just float on the sea with our safety floater and leave our entire team behind struggling in deep sea! It is OUR responsibility to direct them, listen to them and motivate them to ensure that WE (as a team) are all going in the right direction.
Here is how I usually organize my time;
- Monday mornings are the meetings to confirm the priorities of the week with teams.
- Monday PM to Thursday Nights are open to clients.
In between, the teams always know that they can reach me on my cell at anytime. I am very flexible and I make them feel that it is always ok to call me. Afterall, if they do, it is because they need an advise on something. I end up talking to my direct report almost everyday.
- Fridays, it is my one on one meetings with each of my direct reports.
I ask my direct reports to coordinate a meeting every morning between them so that they discuss the progress of deliverables. We use an agile method. Our focus here is to remove or prevent any obstacles to impact the critical path of delivery.
I find the work dynamic to be very healthy this way, the frequent communications and time spent with the teams allows them to be focused on the right priorities. I love my teams and know that they are the ones delivering the goods. I am very greatful to have them and always try to make them understand that they are key to our success.
For me this open and fluid dynamic is a key success factor. We are tighly connected and I make time for my team accordingly. Also, it is always nice to catch up and care about them. A part from work, we need to stay open to listen to their personnal challenges. This helps us to be better execs and managers. We understand better why their performance is sometimes affected.
In summary:
- Schedule PERIODIC MEETINGS with your teams: never or rarely cancel those meetings
- Be AVAILABLEvia your cell, texting or any other way when team are trying to get to you: make them feel confortable to call you, tell them you will call them back if you can't call them now (but do call them back ASAP)
- LISTEN to what they have to say: address the issues they are escalating to you, reassign actions if you can and follow the results
- CARE about them truly: know what's going on in their lives, support them when appropriate
- APPRECIATION: Tell them how good they are and how happy you are when appropriate. Be thankful to have them.
- HAVE FUN with them when possible. Business does not have to be serious 100% of the time. Be happy when ever you interact with them. Take out the negative tension.
And you, how do you make time for your employees?
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