Tuesday, January 24

Make a good first impression!

How many people did you meet since you started your career? Thousands. Did you have the chance to make a good impression with each one of them? 

Imagine if you could make a good impresion only in the first 30 seconds on each of this thousands of people. You need to invest 30 seconds at first. Of course, you'll need to entertain your reputation but hey! 30 seconds to start on the good feet, not bad!

I guess we all have our "weird" experiences. Once, I presented myself to the general manager of an hospital at a press conference and as we shaked our hands as a greeting, we talked at the same time! We then waited two seconds and both started to talk again to say "pardon madamme?". Oh boy, how unconfortable is this?

So I decided it was time to refresh my memory and to re-think about the tricks I had learned years earlier at a Dale Carnegy training. I also read many many books on how to introduce myself and improve my communication skills. The techniques are not that hard, we just need to apply it. It is simple and a sure thing...

In summary, 5 elements that helped me the most;

1- Before you make a move, learn to read physical signs sent by the other individual. 

It will tell you within 3 to 5 seconds The mood of the individual and will help you to determine if it is a good time to approach the person and if the case how you should approach the person (if the person is watching his or her watch - they surely have a time preoccupation --- not time start a long conversation make it brief; if they are taking a call - do not disturb him or her; if they are writing an e-mail - do not disturbe as well as they might be resolving a critical issue; if their jaw seems stressed - not time to try to close a deal; if their harms are crossed and person seems closed in; not time either to try to close a deal. Try to open them up first...

2- Know what you will say before you say it; 

think about how you will a approach the individual. Know exactly what you will say in advance to open up the conversation. "Good day Tom, how are you today? I seen your speech last month and thought that it was so innovative and fresh! I got also some feedback from so and so whom also thought that you nailed down the tax issue pretty well"... Bring something positive on the table, think of one element positive that could be of high interest for the person you want to speak to. Anything but ALWAYS open with a positive element. The only exception of when the individual has a sick wife, sick kid or family that passed away, in that case open up by expressing your sympathie and remain supportive in your state of mind (feel the pain of the individual of support). It is certainly not the time to try to close a deal or talk too much about business unless the invidual allows you to do so.

3- When shaking hands, if you are the one introducing yourself, I prefer to break the ice if no one is there to intoduce me.

Simply say somthng like "I do not believe that we met before, you are???" If you know the snake and title of the person, you could say, I believe you are Miss Queenton from company Y??? (people are flattered when they feel that they are known, plus it saves them time, why would you want them to present themselves if you already know their names?). I would then continue by asking a question I really do not know about them like " and Miss Queenton, when did you join the corporation?". If the person did come to you first, let them lead the presentation process, stand still and let them do the talk. Be open, smile and look at them in the eyes, they will start talking and present themselves. If they don't simply say "I am Mrs. Queenton from company X, what is your name?" again if you know their names and never got presented before you can certainly say, I believe you are "Mr. Black from Company Z?". ...

4- Talk with a lot of energy and control. 

People will analyze your voice tone, your physical posture and what you say. Make sure that you stand still and that your physical posture is perfect. Make sure that that your voice contains lots of energy and is confident. You have to be confident in what you are saying and this will automatically transpose in your voice tone. Finally, select the right things to say and select the right words.

5- Make it all about the other individual and NOT about you. 

Some tips, to make the other people elaborate more on a subject that they are talking about, repeat the last words of the last sentence they said with a question intonation... Also, ask open questions (stay away from closed questions that require a yes and no answer)

Have fun, conversation is truly a skill we can develop with time. Remember that the first minute will be the one that the individual will judge you based on the impression he or she will have of you! Be nice at all time, being Grunchy, judgemental or negative will close the door to nice conversations.

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