Well, if you are reading this blog, you are most probably looking for ways to transform your life. Are you tired to make somebody else richer and richer everyday? Do you feel that sometimes your boss pushes your limits and acts like if he "owns" your brain 40 hours a week?Change your life in 3 simple steps
I strongly believe that each one of us have a specific mission to accomplish in life. I also strongly believe that "work" when done with deep passion and love is the key to happiness. Why be or remain unhappy while a simple decision to do what you love can transform your life forever? Live your dream. Life is precious and we shall ensure everyday that our actions are aligned to our aspirations and to our passions.
I started my own business 8 years ago after I had my first child. My deepest motivation in work has always been to help companies become better in this world. I love people and love to coach them and show them pictures of how they could transform their own environments. I took a decision back in November 5th 2004, to do what I love the most and I did it. Here are 3 simple steps you need to follow to start your own business and be successful:
This is the most crucial point, once you past this stage, the two other steps are very very easy! Starting your own business is a decision. Actually, you don't even need to know what your business will be about at this stage, you just need to be very clear on WHY you want to start your own business. You need to want this more than anything, it needs to be crisp and clear to you why you need to do this. You can do anything if you believe you can do this. Life will bring you what you need. Have trust in life. Know what you are worth and do not let anybody else let you down. Deciding to control your destiny is the smartest decision you'll ever make. Envision yourself being successful with your business, visualize yourself happy, free, confident and successful. Determine what success means for you, whatever it is. Identify your success criterias.
Don't take a year to start up your company. Many mistake that too many people do is that they wait for the perfect business plan, for the perfect timing, for the perfect product… But starting a business is far from being perfect, you will hit some bumps down the road for sure. You need to know the best businesses started with nothing in their pocket, in a living room. The owners learned and experimented as they went. There are plenty of ideas on internet on what to do. At the end of the day, being successful in business means that you are offering a product or a service that people NEED and/or WANT!!!! You need to find a product that has a great NICHE and a product or service that meets your passion. The product or service needs to be inspiring for you!!! Before you get into a business, assess its potential cost/benefits. You want to ideally to have a business that provides you recurrent income. ALso, no questions about it --- you need to LOOOOOOOOVE what you do or else your days are going to be very very very long! Don't you agree?
Again, start small. Don't wait to have perfection. Make a quick business plan 30-60-90 days where you will build your business step by step (the same way that you brought it to life). Start smart, make a proof of concept or a pilot before you go too far. Make sure that you will have a good margin. Set up your company. Don't get lost in details or in too much planning. DO IT. Move take actions! Measure your results, be realistic! Adjust!!!!
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